Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Inviting!

While I have been BFF with the FedEx man for a few months now, there was an afternoon when he brought me a box that was more special than any of the others. A box that I quickly carried to a quiet place and opened with care. As I peeled away the layers of tissue and pulled out the heavy cardstock, it struck me that while most of planning is around a wedding, these special pieces of paper were here to remind me that what we are really doing is creating a marriage.

I could almost feel the pride in the strong charter roman font featuring my parents' names. And seeing Mr. Bliss and my names engraved together in a lovely script was enough to make me stop for a moment and take it all in.

So without further adieu, the Bliss wedding invitations.



1 comment:

Aletha | Pearls Events said...

Gorgeous. Simply beautiful. Thanks for posting these. If you have any extras, feel free to send one my way, to post on my fridge :)